
Language as Communication

We all know that language is the primary tool in communication.  Though this is just one of the definitions, however, it gives clearer and vivid understanding of what communication is. There are two things to be considered, the term language and the communication. Either which of the two which comes first however language cannot be defined by just a simple question what is language. It is ideal perhaps to ask why language change. Is there a system in language?  How language do acquired and what is its classification? All these questions should be answered clearly so to give deep understanding about language as   communication. We all have favorite and famous speakers when we are college or even up to this moment. If we observe those speakers they have different styles in speaking or even the way they use words as they speak.  Take for example of the famous Abram Lincoln and John F. Kennedy they too differ if we compare their manner of speaking to the ...

Philosophy in Teaching English

Being a teacher is not an easy task.  Teacher’s work like lesson plan making, classroom monitoring and the students learning progress all these when pressure arise, somehow teacher’s life would be at stake. However, the prize of being teaching cannot be paid. I just cannot imagine the future of the learner would be ruined if not properly guided. Motivating learner and inspiring them must be the objective of academic learning.  Learners should be taught with all passion by the teachers. When I was younger, I never dream nor wish that I would be a teacher. My ultimate wish was to become a prominent broadcast journalist or a writer. However, here I am mastering my field as a teacher concentrating English Language teaching. My philosophy in teaching is that, I want my learners to be able to understand all my lessons specifically in English subject. On July 18 th I will be celebrating my three years in DepEd, though I have been teaching eight years ago in various co...


 Hello every one ,  I  would like  to share my sister's journey. Her name is Jesseca. it was me who motivated  her to enroll in a small modeling agency, which is owned by my college friend. From a simple young girl to a lady. Here are some of her pictures.


Its been a long , long years of setting aside myself in the corner. There has been so many experiences in my life that i have not recorded because of my busy life. Its been a year and a half. Everything has change. I know this is a total renovation of my  self especially in matters concerning my work  and the people around  me.  From private  work to public work. So many things  had changed. The people I met, the people i mingled everyday. I think time for me to record all of this and I believe this year  is the best year  to write a history.


I never thought of losing the person that I care and love most. Sometimes when we are in love we would always say “I love you” every day, every minute, to the person we care and love.  We always extend sweet words and so many kind of endearment.  We often send SMS messages every morning or even call, every time we are missing him or her.  But what if these things we do are not enough?  What if the person we care and love would not respond anymore or he / she would just pretend that he feels the same way, yet he does not.  Many relationships had been devastated just because they failed to communicate one another, or they don’t have already the “spark”.  The words of endearment are sometimes not enough. What then is enough? I wrote this blog article not because I wanted to give tips on how to overcome such kind of situation but I just wanted to express my feeling because I feel the same way too  I am extremely in the verge of emotional dilemma at thi...


ON WORK Its almost three months of getting confuse. I don’t know what to do. I never thought of having a decision like this. I am not a type of person who loves to hide what I feel. I’m candid and frank. But this time. I have to change my way of dealing anybody else. It is not because I wanted to change but because I wanted to respect and I don’t want to hurt anybody else. So sad, for how many years of the profession, be with the people you expect to defend you and support you turns to a bitter ones. I never realize that such feeling would arise where in fact I was told before that everything is fine. ….{..}  People come and go as they said. Now you meet them, laugh with them, be with them wherever they are, share with them but at the end of the day you will leave them or they will leave you. Sad but true. I believe this is what they called constant change. One thing that bothers me is that, why some people whom you trusted with are  aren't  happy of any achiev...


It was the most terrible experience I’ve ever had in my twenty seven years of existence in the world travelling from my home Balut Island going to General Santos City. I thought I could not see the wonderful  world that time. The dreadful feeling while on the vessel that time made me realized how difficult it is to travel. It was like you are facing death every moment you step on the vessel. You will always have the fear what life awaits as you cross the vast ocean of Balut Island and  Sarangani. The ferocious growl of the wind, the sharp and edgy drops of the rain coordinated with giant waves made my trip fearful.                           November 7, 2013 6:45 AM I woke up late in the morning feeling in pain of throat and some parts of my body due to stress of visiting a house of one of the students at night of November 6,  as part of our responsibility as teacher that you really...