Hello everyone , I just want to share my happy moments when I was at Balut Island, a place where my wonderful childhood memories kept, I mean the place where I was born and started to dream, presenting Balut Island. Last October 2012 we had our special trip to Balut Island, then just to lessen the boredom I had some short break, I went to fishing.
It was me, I was riding s small boat watching people catching fish using their fish nets. The weather this time was not that good. It was gloomy morning of October 2012
Balut Island can be reached through riding vessel from General Santos City. It takes (5) five hours before you can reach this wonderful place. With regards to the people living in this place they are very hospitable. Mostly the people are native B'laans, Sangil, Marore ( Indonesians) and Cebuanos. You can open my previous blogs.
( History of Balut Island)
This picture was taken at Balut Island. I got this picture fronting our house. |
One of the sunset views of Balut Island , a very nice place for meditation |